Legal Notice

The registered owner of this site is VIOLET-SHIFT UK Limited, company number 13524377 as registered in England & Wales. Our registered office is at C/O: TOR, Saint-Cloud Way, Maidenhead, Berks, SL6 8BN.

In this document, "we", "our", or "us" refer to VIOLET-SHIFT UK Ltd.

The principal place of business of VIOLET-SHIFT UK Limited is the United Kingdom.

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Third party information

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We make no representation concerning, or endorsement of, any other Web site which may be accessed through this one.

Copyright, trademark and ownership

All rights reserved © Violet-Shift UK 2021 to present inclusive. Any and all information on this Web site is licensed by Violet-Shift UK Limited.

All the pages and content and all code and scripts used to implement this Web site are copyright and owned by Violet-Shift UK Limited.

You may view the contents of this site for information purposes only. You may print and store to your hard disk one copy of the contents. All other copying, adaptation, reproduction and any redistribution of any information on this server (whether internally to your organization or externally, and whether for commercial use or not) is prohibited.

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Information, products, processes and technologies described on this site may be subject to other intellectual property rights. These rights are reserved by Violet-Shift UK Limited or other owner thereof.


The Violet-shift logo as shown on this site, and derivatives thereof is trademark of VIOLET-SHIFT UK Limited and registered with the UK Intellectual Property Office under Trade Mark No: UK00003744518 in respect of classes: 35,41 and 42.

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The information on this site is of a general nature only and does not address any particular circumstances or requirements. It is provided on an 'as is' and ‘as available’ basis without any warranty, condition or representation of any kind, whether express or implied. Violet-shift UK Limited does not assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information disclosed or accessed through this site.

In no event will any of the companies within the Violet-shift UK group of companies be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential loss arising out of or in any way relating to the use or performance or the use or misuse of the information accessed through this site.

Services directive and services regulations

Company registration details are available on this link: VIOLET-SHIFT UK LIMITED.

Contact details are in the panel to the top on this page. Information requests can be made via this link.

Other information required under the Services Regulations will be made available to you as part of information documents provided in connection with particular service requests.

Discover more about Violet Shift

We offer a wide range of services across a number of sectors. We would be pleased to explain more about Violet Shift, our ethos, values and how we can help you. For all enquiries, or to discuss Associate Partnership opportunities click please contacts us via the link below.

Contact Violet Shift